A New Chapter Begins. Praise YAH!
Shalom! Long time no see 🙂 Just wanted to share the good news with you! I’ve officially moved to the United States from Toronto, Canada in order to be with my husband FULL TIME. Praise Yahuah! We are SO GRATEFUL to FINALLY be together FOREVER. The process has taken almost two years! So now that the stress of uprooting myself every few months to either visit or go back to Canada is over, I can finally relax and focus more on music. My goal is to get the next recording out to you all before the end of 2020. Yah willing, as soon as possible. Let’s see if the world keeps on turning lol. If I can get into a studio that works for me before any potential shut downs happen again that would be ideal.
I pray that you all will stay encouraged as we continue to endure till the end. Remember no matter what you’re going through in life, Yah has a purpose and a plan for you. So just try to be patient and continue to stay in the Word and press on. If you’re reading this and you’re going through a similar situation as I just did, or if you’d like to have special prayer for anything else that’s on your heart, feel free to do so in the comments below. It’s always good to reconnect with you!
I’ll let you know how things progress the new music when the recording is almost ready. Until then, let’s continue to keep our hearts set apart. Yah bless you Mishpacha 🙂
Much love,
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