New Music. Psalms 121 Song. I Need You now.
Sometimes we go through phases in our spiritual journey where we start to feel uninspired. The warm fuzzy feelings we used to have from our past religious communities are all gone. You miss having fellowship, and that’s only natural. We were made to be in community.

So what do you do when you’ve been walking in truth on your own and you feel lonely? What do you do when you feel uninspired? When I go through times like these I choose to pause. Just pause and remember who I am in Yah. He’s my Father. I’m His child. And so are you. Yah promised that we’d never walk alone. So we can always cry out, “Abba, I need you now.”
I’ve been working on some new music and just wanted to share a taste of what’s to come. This is one of the songs that Yah inspired me to share with you as is, in it’s purest form, before I go into the studio again. It’s based on Psalms 121 and it’s called, “I need You now.” I pray you enjoy the video of the new music. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
‘I lift up my eyes to the hills; Where does my help come from? My help comes from יהוה, Maker of the heavens and earth. He does not allow your foot to be moved; He who watches over you does not slumber. See, He who is guarding Yisra’ĕl Neither slumbers nor sleeps. יהוה is your guard; יהוה is your shade at your right hand. The sun does not strike you by day, Nor the moon by night. יהוה guards you from all evil; He guards your being. יהוה guards your going out and your coming in Now and forever.’
Tehillim (Psalms) 121:1-8, The Scriptures.
Regardless of your situation in life right now, keep looking up to the hills. No matter what you’re going through Yah will be your strength through it all. To all who have been praying for me and my husband as we wait on my immigration – we are still waiting. Things are moving forward but we still have to be patient, and we appreciate all your prayers in the mean time. We have one more trip planned to each other soon, and prayerfully it will be the last trip back and forth before my papers get approved. Yah is good and we have to remember His mercy is everlasting!
If you’re going through a time where you feel alone, you miss having fellowship, or you just need more of Yah in your life, leave a comment below and say, “Abba, I need You now.” Feel free to share any prayer requests or praises to Yahuah in the comments below as well. It’s always good for us to be able to read through the comments and pray for one another. May Yah richly bless us all.
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