Create in me a Clean Heart. Abba Come Inside.
Shalom Shalom Family. Do you ever wish you had more time to bask in the presence of Yah? Sometimes we spend more time debating intellectual Hebrew interpretations than we do just spending time in the presence of our most awesome heavenly Father… I just wanted to drop in and give you a little word of encouragement on your spiritual journey today.
I know it’s been quite a while since we’ve connected here on the blog, but I want you to know you’re still in my thoughts and prayers. The time I spent away has been wonderful – much needed. I’ve been focusing more and more on authenticity, and allowing Abba Yah to really come inside and fill me up. I want to encourage you all to do the same.
The passage that was on my heart to share with you today is taken from Psalms 51. When I was reading it to myself late last night/early this morning, it reminded me of an old song that I wrote long ago called Words to Say… that song is about Yahuah dwelling inside of us and the feeling of being speechless just basking in His presence and running out of words to say. I don’t know about you, but I need more moments like that in my life. And so I added a new part to the song spontaneously that says, “Abba come in Inside … ” and I hope that as you watch the video, that you will allow Abba Yah to come inside of your heart and fill you up.
‘Create in me a clean heart, O Elohim, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Set-apart Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your deliverance, And uphold me, Noble Spirit!’ Tehillim (Psalms) 51:10-12
Leave a comment below if you’d like to spend more time allowing Yah to come inside. We can all pray for one another to continue growing in Him. I pray the word of Yahuah lives on in our hearts as we continue to press in close and seek His face! Let’s all continue to shine His light in our four corners of the world. Never look back, Yahuah has a plan for your life.
See you in the comments below.
Hadarah BatYah
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