What Matters The Most. Let’s be More Authentic.
I hate to admit this, but I tend to spend a little too much time thinking about the past, and dreaming about the future. Anyone else out there ever struggle with that? It’s a huge challenge for me to just stay right here in the present moment where everything is peaceful.
As much as I would like to deny it, I struggle with feeling overwhelmed when there is no real pressing or apparent reason for it. Shifting my thoughts out of overly emotional places is a consistent battle for me. Sometimes tears just take over my eyes without my permission, and I start to feel like I’ve lost the battle. Other times it feels like I’m winning and I feel calmness and peace of mind.
On the days when I’m winning, it’s usually because I chose to stay focused on the Word of Yah. This morning I noticed that I changed my pattern, and I didn’t like the results. Instead of reading The Word first thing and posting a scripture pic on social media, I started consuming social media. I was watching cute little babies giggle on Instagram, and happy smiling family pics. The pics brought me joy cause they were beautiful, innocent, inspiring moments, and yet seemingly out of no where – tears – not the happy ones – crept up and took over my face without my permission again. A downward spiral of thoughts followed suit.
What happens between the joy and the tears often remains subconscious and difficult to understand. But praise Yah cause He’s healing me day by day. I refuse to let go of the stability and peace that is found in His Word.
I’m also learning to notice my thoughts, take them captive (as it says in 2 Corinthians 10:5), and turn them over to Yahuah. I’m learning how to stop judging myself for my feelings when I have them, and learning to accept myself so that I can be more authentic in life.
Part of letting go of fear, which we discussed in the last blog post, is learning to see your reality for what it is – instead of what you imagine it to be. It’s staying in the present moment and doing what needs to be done because there is value in doing it, regardless of the excuses. We have to learn to recognize what really matters to us the most, moment by moment, and not judge ourselves for that. We have to start addressing the core issues lurking around at our deepest levels, and prioritize the things that keep us in balance – whatever those things may be.
I want you to be honest with yourself. If you sometimes struggle to feel like everything is in balance, maybe it’s because things have shifted away from what really matters the most for you. That’s what often happens for me. So i’m learning to be more authentic.
The Mirriam-Webster dictionary defines authenticity as : real or genuine : not copied or false. : true and accurate.
If you want to spend more time focusing on the things that matter most, leave a comment below and type,
“I wanna be more authentic.”
Throughout this week, pay attention to the moments when you might be shoving things under the rug emotionally. If you snap unexpectedly, or say something emotionally driven, if you shut down and go silent, or if you “randomly” burst into tears – try not to let the moment go too far without stopping to ask yourself:
Wait… where did that come from?
Why do I feel like this?
Is this emotion based on something that is actually real? Or is this based on a story that I’m telling myself …
Do I need to reevaluate and look at this differently?
I know it’s not always easy, but see if you can set aside a little time to address some of the things that often go unadressed this week. You may have things going on within your relationships with friends or loved ones, at your job, or something going on in your own heart. Whatever is happening, no matter how simple or complex it may feel, just breathe, keep it real, and be authentic. And when it starts getting hard, be more authenic still.
‘I have strength to do all, through Messiah who empowers me.’ Pilipiyim (Philippians) 4:13
As we all try to figure out this thing called life, and the place we have in it, let’s just take it one step at a time. Seek ye FIRST, the Kingdom of Yah. Not second – but first. (Matt 6:33) Even if it’s just a morning thought that comes to mind as you read a scripture, that thought will carry you through the ups and downs in your day if you let it. Then focus on your family and your contribution to this world. You don’t have to be all things to all people everywhere at the same time, just focus on what really matters the most, right here and now.
Before I end this post I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been supporting the latest single I just released called, “Healing Me.” After releasing that song, I realized how desperately I need to remain and be more authentic in life. That song could not have happened without the journey that came before it, and the journey that I’m still on to this very day.
I’ve decided to stop putting any kind of pressure on myself to perform or produce music in any particular time frame, and just allow Yah to continue healing me authentically. As badly as I want to be fully healed right now, and continue making a significant contribution to the world with my music, I need to take my time, stay focused not only on my mission and vision, for Set Apart Heart, but also for the big picture of life.
I’ll be in California for the next 5 weeks enjoying my family and spending lots of time with my wonderful hubby. I may not be blogging a whole lot during that time, you’ll still be in my heart and mind. I pray the healing continues to flow in all our lives. Enjoy the video below if you haven’t already seen it. And if you have, share the video with someone who might need a little inspiration. I hope the song continues to make space for healing in our lives again and again.
If you’re ready to continue to focus on what really matters most in life, go ahead and say so down in the comment below. Let’s take off the masks and keep it real.
I wanna be more authentic… don’t you?
“Pray for one another, so that you are healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous one accomplishes much.”
Ya‛aqoḇ (James) 5:16b
Let’s keep pushing forward my friend.
You’re worth it.
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