Finding Love in Marriage – Life Lessons & Inspiration.
Finding Love in Marriage.
When January came along in 2018, if you would have told me that I was about to meet a wonderful man, find love, and get married before the end of the summer, I probably would NOT have believed you.
Lo and behold, Yahuah had plans for my life that I knew not of – because that is exactly what happened! I just got married, on July 16, 2018!! And we first started getting to know one another in January. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you may have already heard the good news.
On the way to finding love in marriage, I’ve learned quite a few life lessons. Some of them I learned the hard way lol. Before we get into all that, would you like to share in some moments from my wedding day? I’ve made a slideshow of our memories – and I hope the pictures inspire you!
Whether you already have love in marriage, or you’re still waiting to find it, remember that Yahuah is in control and that He alone is the author of true love.
(Photographer, Ardean Peters).
“He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds.” Psalms 147:3
Life Lessons.
Yah is in control. Sometimes we think we can find love on our own, but it’s Yahuah who is the one writing our love stories. If we allow ourselves to just sit in the passenger seat for a while and let Yah do the driving, He will take us where we need to go and bring the right people into our lives. In the past, whenever I tried to find love on my own, it NEVER ever worked. This time, it was TOTALLY different. Maybe one day I’ll share the whole story, but for now, I just have to say PRAISE YAHUAH! He brought a wonderfully patient, kind and giving, strong and balanced Hebrew man into my life. Yah brought me a man I could never have found on my own, in a way I could never have orchestrated. Yah knows just what we need and when, and He knows when we are ready to receive it. If you want to hear the whole story of how we met, leave a comment below.
Take time to heal. Do you remember my last blog post where I said that I needed to take some time out to heal? Well, my healing journey began long before that post ever was made. About 6 months before I even started talking to the man who is now my husband, I started to focus in on taking time and space to let go of everything I was holding onto from the past.
On some level, as part of my spiritual journey, the healing will always continue. But before getting married, I wanted to remove all distractions for a while, and just focus on allowing Yahuah to work in me. Yah has plans to fully renew and restore His people – but we need to do our part, and make time and space for the healing to take place.
The scripture in the box below is one of my favourites. Click the arrow to read it. It’s a constant reminder of Yahuah’s plans for our lives.
Ḥazon (Revelation) 21:4-5
Stay Focused. Part of the renewal process is learning to focus your energy on what matters most in your life. If we don’t make a concerted effort to focus on letting go of past pain, it is far too easy to sweep it all under the proverbial rug and stay busy in our daily lives. If we let that happen, all the pain and hurt will simply resurface again and again. In one form or another, we will continue to face the same test and trials until we pass through them. The past can and will affect the present if we don’t make the choice to let it all go. That’s why I make music reminding myself that “Yesterday is gone… So now I live…” Stay focused on today, and where are you now so you can find the peace of mind and balance that you need. You will find that in this present moment – Yah is with you – and you’re gonna be just fine.
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6:34 ESV
Love Yourself. Before we seek to connect with others in love, and especially in marriage, we must learn how to love ourselves. Take time alone with Yah and let His word show you who you really are. Not just as Hebrew people, but as unique individuals.
Leviticus 19:18 says “Love your neighbour as yourself”.
So my question for you is, do you love yourself? Do you know yourself? Are you at peace with yourself? Can you sit in the middle of your mess with yourself? Or are you still running away from yourself? You can not learn to love anyone else if you have not already learned to be loving to yourself. Be still and know – He is Yah! (Psalms 46:10)
We often look for relationships to fill us up and fix our problems. When we take time to heal from our brokenness, Yah will fill us till it overflows. The 23rd Psalm in says (in the KJV) my cup runneth over...
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalms 23:5 ESV
That overflow is the source from which we can give love to others. If we are empty and hurting inside, how can we give love?
Whether you’re single or married, leave a comment below and share your thoughts. If you have life lessons to share I’d love to hear them too. Let’s continue to be authentic on our own individual journeys, and let’s be kind to ourselves. We have work to do, Israel, and it starts right here with our hearts. Let’s keep it set apart. I’ll see you in the comments… Talk soon.
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