Passover Music. Let My People Go. Wade in the Water.
Last night during rehearsal, I decided to turn on the camera so that I could share some of the music with you. I hope you enjoy what came out of it! In the video below you’ll hear Let My People Go, and Wade in the Water.
Those two songs are actually my favorite Negro Spirituals. I really connect with them because they remind me of our experience and the truth of who we are. Whether we were consciously aware of our true biblical history at the time or not, the Exodus story was so close to our hearts as a people, that we saw ourselves in those scripture-based songs and identified closely with them. I believe we sang those songs like they were our own stories because they were, and still are, our own stories. The Bible is our history book and it’s so important for us to be conscious of that. Yahuah has been calling us back into His arms ever since the days of old. He’s been so faithful to us. Finally, we’re listening to His voice and coming back to Torah. Finally, we’re choosing to follow His ways. HallaluYah! Thank you Father for your mercy.
With the New Year upon us and Passover right around the corner, I love to think about new beginnings and how the Exodus Story applies to our lives today. Can you imagine how it would feel to leave behind the slavery of Egypt, and literally walk through the red sea on dry land? Talk about new beginnings! The Father was and still is committed to His people. Just like our ancestors, He wants to immerse us in living water, and prepare us to shine His Light of truth to the world. I pray that as you watch the video below, that you will take a moment to imagine what it could have been like to be there. Let’s prepare our hearts and minds, because soon and very soon, we’ll be wading in those waters once again, as Yahuah leads us all the way home.
“This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.”
Exodus 12:2 KJV
Happy New Year Mishpacha. I pray you enjoyed the video of Let my People Go and Wade in the Water. Before I go, I have to say thank you soooo much to all who have been supporting the new single, Heal our Land. I appreciate you more than you know. My prayer is that the music you find here at setapartheart.com will always be meaningful, and inspire you to stay close to the word of Yahuah.
Leave a comment below if you’re ready for new beginnings! Let’s stay humble and continue to pray as Yahuah prepares our hearts and leads us all the way home. I’ll see you in the comments below.
-Hadarah BatYah
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