New Single. Heal Our Land. Scripture Challenge.
HEAL OUR LAND. When we look around at what’s happening in the world today – without a doubt I’m sure we all can admit that our land, and our nation, is in desperate need of healing. The curses in Deuteronomy 28 are visible now much more than ever before, and we need to be restored to Yahuah. But in order for us to be restored and healed collectively as a group, individual people like you and me, have to make it a priority to allow our personal pain and hurts to heal as well.
Over the past year of my life, I made a conscious effort to take a lot of quiet time alone with Yahuah. Much more quiet time than usual. I did this to in order to create space for the healing to begin. I want to invite you to do the same. At least for the next 7 days.
Healing and restoration is a reoccurring theme in the scriptures. Today I just want to focus on 2 Chronicles 7:14. Let’s do a scripture challenge. This passage has become very meaningful to me because it literally outlines the healing process. I wrote and recorded a new song based on this scripture. It’s called, “Heal our Land” And it will be available for you right here on Thursday, Feb 8, 2017.
Before the new single comes out, I thought it would be meaningful to just focus on the passage of scripture together, and share more about the impact this verse can have in our lives. In the video below I invite you to focus on this passage with me over the course of the next 7 days. And you’ll see the details for this challenge just below the video. Take a few minutes to watch it. And leave a comment below to let me know if you’re in on the challenge or if the video was meaningful for you.
“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
7 day Scripture Challenge.
- Take 5 mins every morning to repeat 2 Chronicles 7:14 to yourself.
- Say it out loud and memorize the words.
- Internalize the words.
- Take your time and let the words run deep.
- Allow the Word of Yahuah to come inside of you and overflow to the rest of your life.
- You will have more peace of mind, more calmness, and assurance…
- You will feel more connected to your Creator, and be more conscious of His authority in your life.
If you’re not in a place where you can watch the video above, or you’re looking for the scripture references i mentioned in the video, read through the rest of this blog post. The steps for healing in 2 Chronicles 7:14 are discussed below.
STEP ONE: Recognize who you belong to.
Before any healing can take place, we have to become conscious and recognize not only who we are as individuals, but whose we are, and who we belong to. The verse starts out by saying “If MY people…” We are the people of Yahuah. We are not our own. We can’t even breathe a single breath without Yahuah. That means our very lives exist because He exists, and the plan for our lives is in HIS hands. Sometimes we get frustrated when things don’t go the way we had planned. But if we stop and recognize that Yahuah is in control, and His plans are greater than ours because He is all-knowing, we should then be able to accept that Yah only wants what is for our good. As we submit to His will instead of battling to have our own, healing can begin.
Before moving on I have to emphasize that the verse says- His people are called by His name. What is His name? Is it just the four Hebrew letters? We know that names are identifiers. They signify character and authority. When we align ourselves with the name of Yahuah, we have to make the conscious choice not only to accept his authority but his character traits as well. So if you’re standing on the street shouting at people, tearing them down with your words, you have to ask yourself, is that the character of Yahuah? Is that the spirit of Yah? Choosing to embody the character traits of Yahuah is so vital to the process of healing and restoration.
Galatians 5:22-23
Exodus 34:5-7
Click the arrows on the passages above for glimpses of the character traits of Yahuah.
STEP TWO: Be Humble and Pray
A humble heart is one of the most beautiful things in the world. It allows for introspection, self-reflection, personal, and spiritual growth. Pride, on the other hand, gets in the way of all that. Sadly many of our people who become conscious of who they are, after years of oppression and pain, remain in their natural flesh and become filled with anger and pride. I am seeing way too much of this. And it sincerely pains me inside. When will we recognize that there is a difference between walking in the power and authority of Yahuah, and boasting with selfishness, hatred, and pride? Yahuah said, “Vengence is mine.” He will repay.
Deuteronomy 32:35
Romans 12:19
To see scripture references from both new and old, click the down arrows on the verses above.
Healing cannot happen until we humble ourselves and pray. When truth is revealed, it should cause us to realize that it’s only by Yah’s mercy and his loving-commitment that we have not been stricken dead for transgressing His ways. When we speak with others about the truth, we need to remember where we came from just a short little while ago. We need to seek Yahuah’s face and reflect His light.
STEP THREE: Let Forgiveness and Healing flow.
The reality is this: The people who have hurt us in the past, both collectively and as individuals, will not always become humble. Most will not seek His face nor turn from their wicked ways. Most will continue to attempt to hurt us over and over again. Now consider this: How does Yahuah react toward us when we continuously hurt Him? Just consider that for a moment….
Yahuah is so merciful that when we hurt Him, He simply steps aside, and He lets us choose to live the way we want to live – consequences and all. He simply sets himself apart. In the same manner, we can choose to be set apart- to literally choose to step away from all situations, relationships, and circumstances that are bringing us hurt, anger or pain. Click the down arrow to read the Psalm below for inspiration.
Psalms 5:3,4
It’s only when we choose to put the pain and anger aside that we will begin to heal. It’s called forgiveness. And it’s one of the hardest pills to swallow – I know. But if Yahuah can forgive us for all that we have done to Him, simply because He sees that we have willingly made the choice to become humble, to pray, to seek his face, and turned from our wicked ways…. how then can we not forgive those who have the same spirit as well? Just consider how great is Yah’s loving-commitment is toward us, that He would forgive us, and heal our land.
I pray that we will all take time to internalize the message of 2 Chronicles 7:14 for the sake of ourselves, our nation, and our land. Leave a comment below if this message was meaningful for you. If you’re going to join together with me and meditate on this passage for the next 7 days, leave a comment saying “I’m in.”
I’ll see you right here on the blog for the release of my new single “Heal Our Land” on Thursday, Feb 8, 2018.
Much love,
-Hadarah BatYah.
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