Making new music. A look behind the scenes.
Hope you enjoyed Shabbat and that your week has gone well. It’s been a while since my last blog post – so I just wanted to share some of what’s been happening behind the scenes with you. I’ve been making new music for you!
It’s been quite the adventure cause I’m doing things a little bit differently this year. You’ll hear all about it in the 3 min video below. There’s also a sneak peak of my new single “Heal our Land” which will be released in February, 2018.
I pray it will be meaningful for you and that you’ll enjoy the video below.
For the last three years in a row I’ve done all my recordings at a professional studio. Doing that means I can only record once a year, because it literally takes the whole year to recoup all the expenses. My prayer is that investing in my own equipment will allow me to record more music more frequently, and share more inspiration with you. It’s taking me a while to adjust to doing things in this way, but prayerfully as the ball gets rolling, it will just keep rolling, and new music will be more of a regular thing. I know you all are here for music!
After this new single comes out in February, my goal is to release a full album in the Spring. After the new album comes out, I’d like to bring back the scripture challenges we used to do. I’ve heard from many of you in real life and via email that you miss doing those challenges all together here on the blog, and I do too. I miss connecting with you.
I just want to give thanks to Yahuah for never letting me go. He places these songs on my heart to share with all of you, and it often brings tear to my eyes when I realize the impact of Him choosing to do so.
I wanna be real with you – sometimes I honestly feel like it would be easier to just not share anything at all. But that’s not Yahuah’s will. He wants me to give Him my all. And He gave these gifts to be used -and to be an encouragement for you. It’s a privilege to know that you’re even spending time here on the blog. I enjoy connecting with you, and I’m grateful to be able to share this new leg of my journey with you. So much healing has and is taking place in my life over the last year, and I pray the music and motivation that comes out of it all will be healing for you as well.
Leave a comment below and share your thoughts on the new single that’s coming out in February. Hopefully you enjoyed the sneak peek. I shared it on instagram last night, and the feedback was really positive. It warms my heart to know that this music is meaningful for you. I will always be grateful for all your support.
Sending peace and love to you my friend! I’ll see you in the comments below.
-Hadarah BatYah
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