After you let go. Life Lessons.
Have you ever made the decision to let go of things in one area of your life? And then Yahuah challenged you to take things to the next level?
That’s where I’m at right now.
In the video below, I’ll share some of my life’s little lessons with you. And I pray these lessons inspire you to continue to grow spiritually – that’s what we’re here for isn’t it?
Oh and I share some good news about music in the video as well. I pray the next 10 mins will be meaningful for you. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
In my journey, I felt like the extra physical things that i had in my life were all reminders of the emotional things that I was still holding on to. And they were. I did not realize that making the choice to let go was really just the beginning. Where does the beginning start for you? What things, people, places, or situations in your life are keeping you from growing beyond the stage that you’re currently in? I challenge you to think about your life – seriously. And leave a comment if you feel inspired to share.
“And you shall remember that Yahuah your Alahiym, led you ALL the way….”
Deuteronomy 8:2
I hope you enjoyed today’s blog post. It feels good to be back! I look forward to sharing more music & motivation with you. Let’s keep moving forward – together.
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