Hi, it’s Hadarah. Do you ever feel a little bit anxious about all the crazy stuff that’s happening in the world today? If so, I don’t blame you one bit. Join us for another 7-day Scripture Challenge.
If you’re new here I’m glad you came. We have these challenges on the last week of the month so we can focus on spiritual growth as a community while developing our own personal relationship with Yah. Subscribe so that we can stay connected.
This scripture challenge is focused on Colossians 3:2. Watch the 4 min video below and leave a comment here on the blog if you’re in on the challenge!
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:2
7 day Scripture Challenge.
Take 5 mins every morning to repeat Colossians 3:2 to yourself.
Say it out loud and memorize the words.
Internalize the words.
Take your time and let the words run deep.
Allow the Word of Yahuah to come inside of you and overflow to the rest of your life.
You will have more peace of mind, more calmness and assurance…
You will see that stress and the anxiety in your life will have less power over you when you consciously choose to focus on the Word of Yahuah.
REMEMBER: Where your focus goes, energy flows. I believe that’s a loose quotation from Tony Robins. These scripture challenges, and the music you find here at Set Apart Heart are designed to help you focus on Yahuah. You have the power to choose to focus on Him, no matter what is happening in the world or in your life.
Now, while things are “relatively” calm, in comparison to how bad we KNOW things will be, is the time that we should practice setting our affection on things above. Let’s make meditation on the word of Yahuah a daily practice in our lives.
Leave a comment on the blog if you’re in on this challenge!! It’s so easy – you can do it – we’ll be doing it together. I’ll see you down below in the comments.
-Hadarah BatYah
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You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
I woke up early to make this video for you. I pray it helps to makes your morning worship with Yahuah even sweeter. Have a wonderful Shabbat today. Leave allll your burdens at His feet.
Enjoy the video below, and don’t forget to leave a me comment here on the blog. I would love to know more about you personally. How do you like to spend your Shabbat mornings? And how do you keep yourself going in the morning time during the week?
Ok see you in the comments, but first enjoy the video.
The words are there for you, feel free to sing along 🙂
Cause me to hear your lovingkindness in the morning; for in you do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto you.
Psalms 143:8
By the way, I have to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has been supporting the new album, Peace of Mind. I can see all the support that’s coming through on the back end, and i’m truly grateful that you made the choice to support the work of Yahuah so that it can continue on.
If you haven’t had the opportunity yet – after shabbat, you can get Peace of Mind right here.
Ok I’ll see you in the comments – tell me about your mornings 🙂
Let’s stay connected.
Sign up here with your email and we’ll stay in touch.
You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
I am so glad another week has come to an end and the Shabbat drawing near. First of all I have to thank everyone who has been supporting the new album “Peace of Mind” since it launched last saturday night. The response has been so positive.
Hearing feedback from you all has been so meaningful to me. Just knowing the music is reaching your hearts brings tears to my eyes. It makes the time, finances, and effort that went into this project all worth while. All praise to Yahuah Most High.
For those who haven’t downloaded it yet, I want to share another track from the album with you. This one is called “You’re His Child.” I pray this song will give you peace knowing that no matter who loves you or leaves you in life, you are and will always be Yahuah’s Child.
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of Yahuah, even to them that believe on his name.” John 1:12
Have you had a chance to check out what people are saying about the new album “Peace of Mind”? You can listen to the title track and check out the rest of the album right here. There are 10 originals songs that I’m sure you will enjoy. I pray this music will help you to continue growing on your spiritual journey.
If you’ve already got it, be sure to share the good new about this music with a friend who needs it. We’re not alone on this journey, and the word of Yah through song can bring us all together even when we’re miles apart. Keep looking up! May you find His peace of Mind.
Leave a comment below if there’s a praise or a prayer on your heart.
It’s always good to hear from you!
Let’s stay connected.
Sign up here with your email and we’ll stay in touch.
You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
Hi there, I’m Hadarah Batyah. I sincerely believe that in order to have a spiritual walk that is authentic and true, the Word of Yahuah must be written on the inside of our hearts. That's why I write scripture songs and set apart music. Although I don’t have everything in my spiritual life all figured out, I know that Yahuah gave me the gift of music to serve Him and encourage your heart. I pray you'll be inspired by what you see on this blog. If you're curious and wanna know more- I tell it all on the About Page.