Scripture Challenge & New Album. A look behind the scenes.
Hi there. It’s Hadarah. Welcome to the next 7-day Scripture Challenge.
This month’s 7-day scripture challenge is to focus on how important it is to love YAHUAH. To love him FIRST and with everything that is in us. We learn this all through the scriptures but especially in Deuteronomy 6:5. It’s time we shift our focus and stop looking for love in all the wrong places. Let’s give our hearts back to Yahuah and learn to love Him and receive true love.
Watch the video below for inspiration. Let’s focus on our giving our love to Yahuah for the next 7 days, for 5 min every morning until His love permeates deeply in our hearts and overflows. Ou. You’re also going to see a sneak peak of what’s been happening at the recording studio in the video below. Getting ready for the next album to come out. Enjoy!
“You shall love Yahuah your Alahiym with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.” Deuteronomy 6:5
7 day Scripture Challenge.
- Take 5 mins every morning to repeat Deuteronomy 6:5 to yourself.
- Say it out loud and memorize the words.
- Internalize the words.
- Visualize the words.
- Allow the Word of Yahuah to come inside of you and overflow to the rest of your life.
- You will have more love and more power in your life
- You will have comfort in knowing your heart belongs to Him.
Leave a comment below to show that you’re committed to participating.
Share this scripture challenge with a friend and let’s continue to grow spiritually as a community together as we focus on the love of Yahuah and giving that love back to Him.
And thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has sent love gifts to help with the studio recording. I sincerely appreciate your prayers and your support.
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You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.