If you’ve been waiting for more set apart music in your life, it’s finally here. Yahuah Acoustics Vol.2 has JUST been released!
You can use this music to bring your mind back to a place of peace so you can worship your Creator in Spirit and in Truth. Yahuah’s name is lifted high on every single track. Enjoy the music in your car, at home, running errands, anywhere, anytime.
Click here to preview and download Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1 & 2 by Hadarah BatYah. It’s available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and pretty much everywhere else that people shop for music online.
Share the good news about Yahuah Acoustics vol.2 with your friends so that you can and enjoy the music together! You can share this page on social media or email the link to your friends.
Leave a comment below if you’re excited about the music, I’d love to hear your thoughts! A lot of love, time and effort went into this new release, and i hope and pray it will make a positive impact in your life. So don’t be afraid to tell me about what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling down in the comments below.
Sending big hugs to you! See you in the comments 😉
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You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
Hey, it’s Hadarah. Just wanted to share this video with you.
It’s an audio stream of Trust in Yahuah. As the pictures came together with the music & lyrics in the song, I actually shed a tear a time or two. Yes, I know, I’m a total sap lol. I tear up pretty easily lol. But lately I’ve been thinking about everything that our people have been going through…. and will go through. So much on my mind. Too much to share right now. But through it all we learn to trust in Yahuah. We know that He’s coming for us soon.
The pictures in this video remind me of how everyone has a story. And I know that you have one too. There is so much more happening behind the surface of what we all see. Whatever it is you are going through in life, I hope the video below inspires you to continue to Trust in Yahuah.
Oh and remember, this song is available as free gift in an MP3 Download. It’s for every person who subscribes here at Set Apart Heart. It’s my way of saying thanks for all the support.
And yes, my new EP Yahuah Acoustics Vol.2 is coming out on November 22nd, 2015. That’s next weekend. So I’ll see you again here on the blog real soon! Until then, enjoy the audio stream of Trust in Yahuah. If you enjoyed the music & the message in this post, remember to share this with a friend who needs to be encouraged.Someone you know could very well be feeling alone, so share this post directly with them.
Leave me a comment below cause i like to hear your thoughts! Sending love and hugs your way. See you in the comments…
-Hadarah BatYah
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You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
Hello there. I have something very special to share with you today. It’s a free gift! If you’re up to speed with what’s been happening here at Set Apart Heart then you’ve seen my behind the scenes video in the last blog post, and you know that I just finished doing some work in the recording studio.
I recorded 7 songsfor you. 6 of them are for the new EP, YAHUAH ACOUSTICS Vol.2, which will be released in just about 2 weeks on November 22nd, 2015. The 7th song is one that i want to share with you right now as a special gift.
The song I chose for your special gift, was chosen based on the comments and the shares from you all on on youtube and other social media. I think this song may just be one of your faves 😉 The special gift is “Trust in Yahuah” and the recording is available now – and it’s free for all my blog subscribers.
If you’re already subscribed to Set Apart Heart, check your inbox cause the gift is there waiting for you. If someone shared this post with you and you haven’t subscribed as yet, you can subscribe right here. Just sign up with your email address and you’ll get the free song. You’ll also get “Let My People Go” the free song I gave out last year when I recorded Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1. Subscribing to Set Apart Heart also means you’ll hear from me on a somewhat-weekly basis with encouraging words, more music, and motivation for your spiritual journey.
This special gift in song is just my way of saying THANK YOU! It costs quite a significant amount of money to do professional quality recordings like what you will hear on YAHUAH ACOUSTICS Vol.2, and I appreciate your support so much more than words can express. The community here at Set Apart Heart has doubled in size over the past year, and it’s all because YOU are sharing the music & motivation you receive here with each other. Whether it be via email or on social media, I know you’re out there cause I hear from you, and i see you tagging and sharing my videos and blog posts. So THANK YOU! Very much. All praise goes to Yahuah. I pray this recording of “Trust in Yahuah” will be one that you enjoy over and over again as an encouraging word in song.
So I’ll see you back here on the blog for the release of YAHUAH ACOUSTICS Vol.2 on November 22nd. Until then, subscribe in the box below and enjoy your special gift! Sending you all my love and hugs.
-Hadarah BatYah
Let’s stay connected.
Sign up here with your email and we’ll stay in touch.
You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
Hi there, I’m Hadarah Batyah. I sincerely believe that in order to have a spiritual walk that is authentic and true, the Word of Yahuah must be written on the inside of our hearts. That's why I write scripture songs and set apart music. Although I don’t have everything in my spiritual life all figured out, I know that Yahuah gave me the gift of music to serve Him and encourage your heart. I pray you'll be inspired by what you see on this blog. If you're curious and wanna know more- I tell it all on the About Page.