I Feel Glad. Hebrew Roots Music.

I Feel Glad. Hebrew Roots Music.

Hadarah Batyah I feel gladHi there.

It’s been quite a while since making a new blog post and video for you. I’ve missed you! Hope that all is well.

With all the craziness that’s going on in the world today, it’s easy to get bogged down with the cares of this life, isn’t it? I’m sure we all have our own reasons to feel down or upset, and rightfully so. But once and a while, isn’t it good to be able to shake all that off and just rest in the arms of Yahuah? Isn’t it awesome to know that we’re in the truth and walking in the light? If you’ve got no other reason to be happy, those should be reasons for you to feel glad.

And on that note (no pun intended) I just wrote a new song today – thought I’d share it with you! It’s called “I feel glad” You can enjoy it in the video below. The lyrics are based on Psalms 118:24 and John 12:36. Hope you enjoy the song… Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Thanks for spending time here with me… I pray that the music has lifted you up! May Yahuah’s will be done.

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