Baruch Haba. Hebrew Roots Music.
Just finished writing a new song for you.
Praise be to Yahuah and His Son Yahusha!
Are you looking forward to the Second coming?
I know I am… I can hardly wait till the shofar sounds on that great day…
I’m growing tired of this world, but I know we must endure to the end.
Let’s sing songs together to help us to keep moving forward, shall we?
The new song is called “Baruch Haba” and the Lyrics are based on Psalms 118:26.
Baruch Haba B’shem Yahuah: Blessed is He who comes in the name of Yahuah…. You’ll find these same words are repeated in Mark 11:29.
I made a video for you to enjoy below.
All praise goes to Yahuah….
Feel free to sing along with me!
Thank you so much for spending time here on the blog.
It’s encouraging to know that we’re on this walk together!
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