by Hadarah | Aug 23, 2014 | Set Apart Music
Too many of us come into the Hebrew Roots Movement with a chip on our shoulders. A lot of people come into this walk feeling angry with the Christian church. I understand what it feels like to be hurt by the lies of others – trust me, I do. But carrying a chip on your shoulder for a long time is a very dangerous thing. Not only is it stressful on your body and your mind, but hurt and pain tends to get in the way of a lot of positive things: Love, joy, and peace for example – just to name a few.
If you feel upset about not knowing the truth – angry or hurt about growing up in the midst of lies, remember this: The joy of Yahuah is your strength.
“Do not be sad, for the joy of Yahuah is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10b, The Scriptures
I wrote a song called “So Happy” which was released on my album called “Step Out” back when I was a Christian. I just redid the song in a video for you last night. Added a Hebrew Roots twist so that Yahuah’s name can shine through. I pray this song inspires you to let some things go if you need to. Yahuah wants to give you the fruit of His Spirit so that you can be a shining light to the nations.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” Galatians 5:22 KJV
I pray the video with music below will inspire you to let go of your cares and be happy, for the joy of Yahuah is your strength.
If you enjoyed the video above, feel free to share it with a friend who needs to be lifted up. Have a wonderful day in Yahuah and His Son Yahusha, Ha Maschiyach.
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by Hadarah | Aug 2, 2014 | Motivation
Hi, it’s me Hadarah…. I’ve been putting off doing this blog post for quite a while… but it’s time.
There is much MORE to understand about faith and spirituality than what Christians, Jews, or any other organized religion is currently teaching. I’ve posted a video below to share some of the reasons why I no longer consider myself a Christian. If you’re not in the mood for reading today, just skip to the video below and you can watch that instead.
Disclaimer Nothing that I say in this video is spoken with the intent to defame or blame any particular individual person or religious group. I am simply telling my story in an effort to encourage those of you who may be on a similar journey, and to clarify the answers for those of you who have questions about what I believe. Since I started posting music videos here on the blog, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my beliefs. This video is simply my way of sharing more of what I believe with all of you.
I have been a Seventh-day Adventist Christian for my entire life up until maybe about a year ago and a half ago. If you know anything about the SDA Church, you know that they claim to be a peculiar people because they worship on the Seventh day Sabbath and they don’t subsscribe to many of the beliefs that most popular Christian Churches believe today. The SDA church teaches a lot of truth, A LOT of truth. But there is still much MORE truth in the scriptures that even the SDA Church will not discuss.
I personally had to step outside of this social club that we call church in order to see and understand that there is indeed more truth. In the video below I would like to share with you just a couple of points that touch on why I am no longer a Christian. I don’t claim to have everything in my spiritual life sorted out, but I do feel solid about the points that I will be sharing with you today. Most of these points apply to Christianity as a whole, but some will also apply to the SDA Church. See the video below.
If you’re not able to watch the video above right now, this is, in short, what I believe:
- I believe in the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation
- I believe that there should not be a devision between the old and new “testament”
- I believe that the covenant Yahuah made with His people is everlasting and that His promises are still true
- I do NOT believe that the Christian Church has replaced the nation of Israel.
- I believe that Christianity blows love and grace out of proportion.
- I believe that grace and mercy can not exist without the law.
- I believe that The Scriptures is a book about Hebrew People
- I believe that Deuteronomy 28 especially verse 64-68, gives us a clear understanding of who the Hebrews are today
- I believe that Israel is comprised of the natural born seed and those who choose to be grafted in
- I believe that Yahuah and His only brought-forth Son Yahusha should be called by their true set apart names, not by the titles Lord, God, or the mistranslated name of Jesus.
- I believe the concept of the Trinity doesn’t even scratch the surface of who our Creator really is.
- I believe that Christmas, Easter, and Halloween are days that Yahuah’s covenant keeping people should take no part in.
- I believe that we should be learning how to celebrate Yahuah’s Feast Days and that just like the 7th day Sabbath they are a mark or sign of the covenant that Yahuah has made with His people.
This is not by any means an exhaustive list of what I believe. But I do hope it helps to clarify for those who want to know. And mostly I pray it’s an encouragement for those of you who are on a journey too. If you have questions feel free to leave a comment! If you’re curious about how this journey started, I tell that story on my about page. Sending much love.
-Hadarah Batyah.
The recording session went SUPER WELL this past week. We got four songs done! Praise Yahuah…. I’ll keep you posted on when it will be ready for download. Until then, I hope you can enjoy the other blog posts with the music videos posted there. And don’t forget to subscribe below to get music & motivation.
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