“You Shall Love” Set Apart Music.

“You Shall Love” Set Apart Music.

can you hear the callIt amazes me just how much division there is over The Truth. There are reportedly over 41,000 Christian denominations in existence today. Does anyone else think that’s crazy? 41 THOUSAND. WHY??? What baffles me the most is that everyone is reading the same book. Yes there are many different versions of “The Bible” on the market today but for the most part – everyone is reading the same book and yet there are SO many different groups and religions -all of them claiming to have the truth. And it’s not just Christians who have this problem. There are Orthodox Jews, Reformed Jews, Jews for Jesus…. What’s up with that? Every religion is divided.

This is one of the main reasons why I reject religion and embrace teachings that actually follow The Scriptures. In my personal study I’ve come to recognize there is no need for all these religions. Religion is man made. It’s a facade; Rituals and doctrines that make us feel better about ourselves. If we would simply take the time to study and understand that there is unity in the scriptures – from Genesis to Revelation – Our lives would be more meaningful and the world would be a better place.

For all those who love their religion, I ask you to take some time to ask yourself questions about the basics.  We claim to have a relationship with our Creator, and we say He is our friend, but why don’t we call Him by His name? A person’s name is the first thing we learn about them when we want to connect in real life. Is there anyone in your life that you have a meaningful relationship with, and you still don’t know their name?

I shared the thoughts below with a few friends on Facebook the other day. There’s an interesting parallel between the two following verses and WHO spoke them, and when….

“If you love me, keep MY commandments.” John 14:15
“And showing mercy to thousands of them who love me, and keep MY commandments.” Exodus 20:6

Notice the connection? The first verse is from what many call The New Testament. We see love, we see commandments, and we see the person speaking saying that they are “MY commandments”. The second verse is from what many call The Old Testament. We see love, we see commandments, and again we see the person speaking saying that they are “MY commandments”. WHO is that person? Do we really know Him?

“There is one Lawgiver and Judge, who is able to save and to destroy…” James 4:12

Think about that for a minute.

There is one Lawgiver and that same Lawgiver is able to save you. Who is your Saviour? Do you really know who He is?

There is unity in the scriptures. We HAVE to study the beginning of the book before we can even BEGIN to understand the ending. Over time we’ll explore more of these ideas together but for now, let’s get to the music. I wrote the song in the video below at the end of April 2014. The Lyrics are based on the verses that surround Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O Yashra’al: Yahuah our Alahiym, Yahuah is one!” You can read the whole passage below, but I do encourage you to spend time in the scriptures on your own.

Click & Read Deuteronomy 6:1-9

“And this is the command, the laws and the right-rulings which Yahuah your Alahiym has commanded, to teach you to do in the land which you are passing over to posses, so that you fear Yahuah your Alahiym, to guard all His laws and His commands which I command you, you and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days be prolonged. And you shall hear, O Yashra’al, and shall guard to do, that it might be well with you, and that you increase greatly as Yahuah Alahiym of your fathers has spoken to you, in a land flowing with milk and honey. Hear, O Yashra’al: Yahuah our Alahiym, Yahuah is one! And you shall love Yahuah your Alahiym with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might. And these Words which I am commanding you today shall be in your heart, and you shall impress them upon your children, and shall speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up, and shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates….” Deuteronomy/Debarim 6:1-9

I pray you enjoy listening to the music in the video below. I hope it inspires to you study more scriptures and leads you to draw closer to Yahuah. Your religion can’t save you. Your family can’t save you. Your preachers and your teachers can’t save you either. Come and meet the Lawgiver of Love.

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My Help. The Name of Yahuah.

My Help. The Name of Yahuah.

Make Yahuah GreatRaise your hand if you’ve ever needed some help!

*I’ve got BOTH my hands raised*

At one point or another, EVERYONE needs help. Regardless of age, gender, talent or level of skill. If you’re human like I am I’m sure you’ll agree, we simply can’t do everything on our own.

When you find yourself in that space: Feeling stuck, or maybe feeling lonely. When you’re hurting, or if you get angry…. What can you do? On whose name can you call?

“Our help is in the Name of Yahuah, Maker of the heavens and earth.” Psalms 124:8
Oh Make Yahuah great with me, and let us exalt His name together.” Psalms 34:3
“I have remembered Your Name in the night, O Yahuah, and I guard Your Torah.” Psalm 119:55
“Oh Yahuah, Your Name is forever, Oh Yahuah, Your remembrance to all generations….” Psalms 135:13

No matter what is happening in your life, you can ALWAYS call on The Name of Yahuah. He hears the prayers of His people and He will answer. You are NOT alone. Open your heart to Yahuah….Trust in His name.

The song in the video below is an original, It’s entitled “My Help.”  I wrote it on Shabbat, March 1, 2014 and the lyrics are based on the Psalms shared with you above.  I pray this music will inspire you to read more of the scriptures and come a little bit closer to Yahuah. For our help is in The Name of Yahuah.

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Let My People Go. Set Apart Music.

Let My People Go. Set Apart Music.

Let my people goBefore the setapartheart.com blog ever came to be, I got the urge to start making music again…. After taking a pretty long “break” from the music scene to sort out what was happening with me on the inside spiritually, which, if you’re curious about, you can read the whole story on the about page. So this was the first little video I posted on my new youtube channel back in January, 2014, “Let My People Go.” originally sung by the Fist Jublilee singers.

Just decided to have a little fun with it. Added a bit of a Hebrew Roots a’cappella Jazzy twist. I hope that listening to this song inspires you to read more of the scriptures. You can check out Exodus Chapters 7-15 for the full story of where the idea for this song originally comes from. I’ll share some tidbits of the history with you below to encourage you on your journey.

Click & Read (Exodus 9:1-6)

“And Yahuah said to Mashah, “Go in to Pharaoh and speak to him, ‘Thus said Yahuah Alahiym of the Hebrews, “Let My people go, so that they serve Me. For if you refuse to let them go, and are still holding them, see, the hand of Yahuah is on your livestock in the field, on the horses, on the donkeys, on the camels, on the cattle, on the sheep – a very grievous pestilence. And Yahuah shall separate between the livestock of Yashra’al and the livestock of Mitsrayim, and let no matter die of all that belongs to the children of Yashra’al.” ‘ ”  And Yahuah set an appointed time, saying, “Tomorrow Yahuah is going to do this word in the land.” And Yahuah did this word on the next day….” Exodus 9:1-6.

The passage above just makes me think about how faithful Yahuah is to His word. He does what He says He is going to do. And He always has a reason or a purpose for doing it. You can trust Him because He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

Yahuah’s purpose for bringing the children of Yashra’al out of bondage was so that they could serve Him. We see that in Exodus 9:1 very clearly. Yahuah has that same purpose for your life today. If you’re in bondage, He wants to free you, so you can serve Him. When we learn to worship Yahuah, we’ll have the greatest amount of freedom we could ever have.

“And for this reason I have raised you up, in order to show you My power, and in order to declare My Name in all the earth.” Exodus 9:16

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